Idea "The heat pump air-piece IHW a water tank with 300 liters"

Operating ambient temperatures

Heating mode
- 30
... + 43 °C

Suggested retail price


    It is a combined device combining an air condenser with a compressor and an evaporator (as in a window air conditioner), which heats the water in the boiler tank, which, in turn, has an additional electric heater (TEN) and ports for connecting a second circuit for indirect exchange ( e.g. via solar panels). Designed for heating hot water, the water from the source is supplied directly to the tank, and the upper air duct during installation must be connected to the warm room from where the hood is drawn and the external environment (street) through circular ducts (depending on the season, the air direction can be changed ) The length of the ducts should not exceed 10 m. (30 Pa fan pressure), while the heat pump itself can be located in the technical room, basement, garage, loggia, etc.

    The automation of the device is designed for heating water in the temperature range from +38 to +60 OS.

    High efficiency is due to the use of the new R134a refrigerant, a modern Mitsubishi compressor and three possible operating modes: “economical” - only the compressor circuit works, “hybrid” - the compressor circuit and the boiler electric heater; “heating only with the heater” - only the 3 kW boiler electric heater. Thus, at any time of the year, you can warm up to 86 l / h of water with an efficiency of min. = 1, max. = 3.6.

    Характеристики / Модель


    Электропитание, В/Гц/Ф


    Объем бака-бойлера косвенного нагрева, л


    Компрессор, тип


    Нагрев (мощность компрессора), кВт


    Температура нагрева воды, °С


    Потребл. мощн. в реж. нагрева «эконом»/«только ТЭН», кВт

    0,84 / 3,00

    Объем нагреваемой воды теплообменником бойлера косвенного нагрева, м³/час


    Диаметр входа, мм


    Диаметр выхода, мм


    Материал бака

    Нерж. сталь

    Уровень шума, дБ


    Вес блока,нетто/брутто , кг


    Габариты внутреннего блока без упаковки, мм


    Пульт дистанционного управления
